Have you ever wondered how your pets affect your residential HVAC performance? You would be surprised how much your furry companions can impact your heating and cooling equipment. Luckily, our HVAC experts at Middletown Heating & Cooling share some helpful advice to ensure your pets are safe and your A/C is in top condition just in time for summer!

Are your Pets being Groomed Regularly?

Most pet owners are not unfamiliar with pet hair and dander. However, it may not cross most folk’s minds how much of an impact it can have on your HVAC system. Having your pets groomed, preferably by a professional, can lighten the load of pet hair and dander wandering around your home. Doing this can also prevent damage to your ventilation and HVAC system like clogs or blocked airways. 

How Often Are You Changing Out Your Air Filters?

Changing out your air filter and replacing it on a regular basis is an essential part of maintaining your HVAC equipment. If your airflow becomes blocked, precisely because of pet hair and dander, your HVAC system will have more stress because it is working harder to provide comfort around your home. Our HVAC professionals at Middletown Heating & Cooling suggest investing in higher-quality air filters and regularly checking in and replacing them. 

Is There Protection for Your Outdoor Equipment?

As wonderful as our loyal companions are, especially our dogs, if they tend to mark their territory, chances are they’ve also done it on your AC unit. Believe it or not, it isn’t uncommon for dogs who mark their territory to urinate on outdoor HVAC equipment. Building a fence or barrier around your air conditioner can help prevent pet-related damage to your outdoor HVAC equipment. 

Keeping your family and pets comfortable is essential to us, and we want to ensure you stay cool and comfortable this summer. However, if you have pet-related damages or are concerned about damages occurring in the future, the HVAC experts at Middletown Heating & Cooling can ease your worries! Call us today at (513) 268-3789, or schedule an appointment online by clicking here